Thanks for the info
I'm really only using 3 colors which is CW,RB,NW. I will have them on all seperate dimmable drivers.
The 24 blue LEDS are purely for moonlights which also has it's own driver. I kinda wanted to play around with the differnt color spectrum so that's why I ordered so many types.
84 CW on 1 Driver
84 RB on 1 Driver
84 RB on 1 Driver
44 CW mixed with NW on 1 driver
24 Blues for moonlights on 1 driver
Something like this setup I will tally all the numbers up once I recieve the products.
I ordered from Milad from I ordered alot so some pieces weren't available but told him to hold off till everything arrives and just ship it as one. That way saves shipping cost.
I had a really hard time finding the TRP drivers about (10 week wait) but luckily found someone from Reefcentral who is ordering direct from manufacturer and got my order in on friday. Supposedly it's been ordered and should be here in 2 weeks. I also got a 75 Watt from nanotuners which I will get at the end of the month.
I am now waiting for my heatsinks from my brother in the states which I will get end of April. I will take them to a machine shop to get them drilled. Freak too much holes for me about 600. Then I will start my build.
I've been researching on G11 or acrylic to prevent creepage but not sure which one or where to order yet.
I'll keep you guys posted.