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Old 04-03-2011, 06:24 PM
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fishoholic fishoholic is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Edmonton
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fishoholic will become famous soon enough

Really missing my nikon DSLR camera, but here's an ok pic. of the 230g fowlr tank. Ignore the HA

Shrooms in the fowlr

and gsp

So in my fowlr tank I lost my cleaner wrasse due to carpet surfing and my cat I would of been able to save the cleaner wrasse off the carpet (was in the tank when I fed it five minute earlier) but unfortunately my cat saw it on the floor before I did and when I came downstairs (literally what must of been minutes after it jumped) I noticed my cat tossing something up in the air and catching it, when I went to check out what he was playing with, much to my dismay it was my cleaner wrasse That night Doug almost got his wish of me not having a cat anymore

On different days awhile ago I also found my 6-line wrasse and mandarin in the overflow. So I moved them to the reef tank were they both have settled in nicely. The red corris wrasse leaves the 6-line alone and my scooter blenny could care less about the mandarin, so moving them worked out well
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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