Originally Posted by Delphinus
Ha ha ha blennies. They're so comical.
Great colour on the Fu Man Chu.
You must have a lot of fun with water changes at your place! 
Ya I love blennies, just glad he took a detour into the 80g tank instead of ending up in the sump.
I've had the fu man chu for just over a year now, he still eats like a pig (mysis and krill) and I do love his colouration.
Water changes are a minor PITA. I have a mixing tank that takes awhile to fill with RO and I pour the salt in until I get the salinity right, but I have a pump in there to mix it with and after I drain the water out of the main tanks, I pump the newly mixed water back into the tanks fairly easily. I have to watch the water levels in the sump and unplug pumps at the right time as I pump the old water out into the floor drain while I am doing the water change, but overall not to bad. I would be killer if I had to carry buckets around to drain the tank, TG it's set up to drain into the floor drain.
left side reef tank
right side
Cool new shrooms Doug surprised me with from red coral