Thread: Is this velvet?
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Old 03-31-2011, 04:11 AM
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Default Is this velvet?

I've not added any new additions to my tank since mid January, the last being a small cleaner wrasse (my first one jumped after a year). Everyone has been happy, eating voraciously, tons of pep.

Tonight my Tennenti tang has hardly been moving at all, and won't touch the nori sheet that I put in there for it. It seems to be having slight difficulty competing with the current from my power heads, and is generally lethargic. It's also breathing (gilling I guess) about 3 times faster than normal.

I also noticed that today the cleaner wrasse has disappeared. It's not on the floor anywhere so my only assumption is that it must have died and is wedged in a rock getting eaten by a crab. Yesterday it was fat, (the thing eats like a pig), happy, energetic and showed no signs of illness.

Now that the lights are out I've given the tang a complete once over with a flash light (something it wouldn't normally stand for) and it's skin is pristine, not a scratch, mark, or spot of anything that looks like velvet or ich anywhere.

I thought velvet worked much faster than this, if the cleaner wrasse brought it in 2.5 months ago, shouldn't it have made an appearance before this? Is there anything else it could be?

Water parameters are all good, in fact the best they've ever been in terms of phosphates and nitrates. Ammonia and Nitrite are 0, as always. They only other thing I've changed recently was switching out the main pump that drives my sump yesterday and upping from a Rio HF17 to a Rio HF20.
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