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Old 03-29-2011, 01:12 PM
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sphelps sphelps is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Lyalta, East of Calgary
Posts: 4,777
sphelps is on a distinguished road

You’re not seeing anything unusual. Triggers are typically safe with all corals, it’s the fact they will usually eat crustaceans like crabs and shrimp that makes then “non reef safe”. Full size angles will usually go after soft and LPS corals, however every fish is different and some have better luck than others. They often do better with harder corals as appose to softer ones. Also don’t be fooled thinking the angle has learned a lesson and will no longer pick at those corals, more than likely it’ll be back for more eventually. It doesn’t take much to upset a torch or frogspawn coral either, a couple bites can be enough to cause an infection which can spread to other corals. Also keep in mind the angle is just a juvenile, their coral eating behavior gets worse with age, some sources will even say they are reef safe as juveniles and not as adults so if it’s already eating coral, well…. have fun with that

As somebody new in the hobby I wouldn’t suggest tackling too many non reef safe fish in a reef tank. Best to stick with a basic reef with smaller fish like dwarf angles as appose to full size. A 60 gallon is too small and won’t give you the advantage of a FO tank, a small reef would be much nicer.
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