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Old 03-29-2011, 04:33 AM
tytown tytown is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 30
tytown is on a distinguished road
Default Playing with fire...

I recently set up a 60 gallon Fowlr with full intent of keeping it a fowlr. I bought around 50 lbs of live rock and then a few weeks later a jeuv clown trigger, and soon after a jeuv emperor. My curiosity got the best of me when I saw my first watermelon mushroom and thought "well, ill find out soon enough". I threw it in my tank and to my surprise, no one bothered it.
So then im in my LFS a few weeks later and I see these torch corals! I buy a few heads and wing em in my tank like it was Christmas morning. My trigger couldn't care less but my angel was a slightly different story. He swam around this thing for a few minutes contemplating just what he he should do. Naturally, he took a big bite, got stung on the lip and took off in a flash. I was a little worried for them both at first but after a few more minutes my angel was swimming around completely ignoring my new torch. So now im wondering what is so unsafe about these fish and corals.
So then a few weeks later (my torch looking better than ever) im back in my LFS telling him how my reef destroyers are living in harmony with softies and how great everything looks. I then find myself a beauty frogspawn about 6inches in diameter even brighter green than my torch and wing it in. Same thing with the trigger, he just wants to be fed shellfish, but my angel does the same thing. He takes a big bite. Once again my angel is stung and takes off, only this time hes coming back for more. In about a week my round 6in frogspawn is now a flat 2.5inch frogspawn. He likes to chew on the fleshy base where he wont get a sting.
So this all took 4 months to happen and now im really confused which way to go. Reef or FOWLR. But a combination of both would be great!
Does anyone have any experience with keeping an emp angel with certain types of soft coral? I can see this trial and error thing becoming really expensive.
Luckily my dad started a 110g reef and lives close by. He was pretty lucky to get a free frogspawn.
What do you guys think of all this newbie rukus?
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