Thread: Chromis School
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Old 03-29-2011, 02:42 AM
Maverick00 Maverick00 is offline
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Default Chromis School

Hey guys i have a question about keeping these fish in numbers.

I have tried in the past to add 6 chromis into my tank however the "bully" in the group seems to take over and nip at the others until he takes out one after another.

I tried once again (8 months later) to add 5 other chromis to the tank but the bugger has taken out all but one which more than likely wont make it another week. My question is if i move or get rid of this current 'bully' and try adding a new school of 5 or 6 chromis would i have better luck keeping a group of these fish? or am i to assume one will become once again more dominant than the others and the record will play over again? Thoughts?

- 33 Gal - 20Gal Sump, MP10/Hydor Powerheads, Aquaticlife 4x T-5HO, Vertex IN100, TLF w/Biopellets, Tunze ATO

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