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Old 03-28-2011, 07:49 PM
rayjay rayjay is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: London, Ontario
Posts: 340
rayjay is on a distinguished road

It would definitely not be unheard of for the seahorses not to eat for a day or two because of the stress of shipping. Worse if they came direct from offshore and not through a transhippers holding system.
If there is live food in the tank, it will be even longer before they touch frozen mysis.
Another problem I've found is that many don't take to just any frozen mysis, and reject most brands I've been able to find.
Hikari mysis seems to be the thing that works for me the best but you have to find a way to get it from the USA as our Canadian government has screwed up anything from Hikari getting to us through normal channels.
Kuda DO come in multiple colours, but just remember that they usually don't stay the colour that they come in unless that is their choice for their surroundings.
The best way I've found to keep some of the colours is to paint the bottom, ends, and back of tank a very light blue, the lightest I could find in a spray bomb at the stores.
Rock in the tank tends to change them darker as it's not a natural occurrence
in seahorse habitat.
Warmer water also seems to help, but then more mortalities are experienced because of the increased bacteria presence due to warmer water.
IMO and experience, bacteria is the number one killer of seahorses, with pathogen exposure from other tank mates not raised in the same breeding facility being second.