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Old 03-28-2011, 07:49 PM
Coleus Coleus is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Calgary NW
Posts: 1,179
Coleus is on a distinguished road

FYI, here are prices from Calgary plastic

"We have reconditioned drums that had product in them. They have been cleaned and washed out. Not recommended for food safe.

Reconditioned 45 imperial gallon natural and blue tight head drums with two 2” bungs. The lid does not come off. $ 39.00 each

Reconditioned 45 imperial gallon blue open head drums with lid and locking ring. $ 47.00 each.

We carry 45 imperial gallon new open head drums with lid and locking ring. Good for food storage $ 94.18 each.
155 gallon bow front
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