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Old 03-28-2011, 07:38 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by vaporize View Post
Sorry to say that if its really marine velvet, by the time you notice it (with white dusty spots), you have less than 50% chance of saving them even with medication. It is not like ich that can live with your fish for awhile, it will kill most and every single fish in your tank if you do not treat them properly. It kills really fast, and don't even think of using just freshwater or hyposalinity to treat them - it's not ich.
See, this is the issue... I don't KNOW this is velvet. Someone mentioned it was velvet but I don't think it is. The butterfly was covered in ich (I know this for sure) and may have had velvet simultaneously, I'll never know. The mandarin had the same tattered fins as the butterfly but did not show any characteristic signs of velvet; I believe the fin issue was the result of a subsequent bacterial infection in the butterfly that may have passed to the mandarin. But really, I don't know what caused the fin issue. The white area I found on the mandarin's head was subcutaneous, not a surface affliction. It looked as though he'd be rubbing his head or if the colour had simply disappeared from his head (apparently this can happening when they are sick/dying). Other than my blenny looking a bit itchy, there is nothing to suggest that there is actually velvet in my tank.

I did a big water change last night and found this morning that many of the blenny's symptoms of whatever it is have gone away. Both the goby and blenny seem fine.

I am confused as to what happened (besides the ich) and if it is still happening. I don't want to go and through my fish into QT and start medicating them without knowing what it is that I am supposed to be treating.
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