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Old 03-27-2011, 08:33 PM
Rus Rus is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: abbotsford
Posts: 83
Rus is on a distinguished road

Thought I would try to keep a small progress report on some new fish that I have in Quarentine. Last week I picked up 13 Red Spt Cardinals from Paul at Oceanic Corals . They had been in for about 3 to 4 days at his shop , and all 13 were doings well , and eating almost everything he had put in. I have had them at home now in Quarentine for 5 days and all are eating , flake , cyclopeeze and small mysis . If all goes well I plan to give them 2 to 3 weeks and fatten them up a bit before trying them in my Main Tank.

I know some people , myself included have had a hard time being successful with these , which is why I thought I would let people know how I make out , hoping it all goes well , as they add some a cool part to any tank in my opinion.I will try to update every few weeks to amonth at the beginning for anyone interested

Couple of pics today , ( very quick so hard to get many in a pic )

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