Originally Posted by Reefpins10
It's a very nice tank, Grizz ! How can you prevent the fish from not jumping out with your 18" shallow tank ? Did you cover your top with something ?
Funny you should ask, my wife asked me when I was going to build a cover after last night. I had the front of my canopy off last night feeding and replacing a few corals that got moved by my huge hermit crap when suddenly my Blue Reef Chromis launched out of the tank and down to the floor. I quickly scooped it up and put it back into the tank. Other than that I have only had 3 jumpers but I will be building a cover out of window screen kits very soon.
Originally Posted by hound96
not sure if its the same for everyone but i tried 3 times to grow sps and the 3rd time i took out my leathers and sps is growing fine , the first 2 times i couldnt grow it and i had a few people tell me that leathers produce a chemical that reacts badly with sps
I do have one SPS in the tank ATM but I think my problem might be my ability to do regular water changes. We are on a septic tank system that gravity feed to the field not a pump out. But that is going to change this summer when all this FREAKIN SNOW stops & melts.
My A. Humilus, I have had it for over a year and it has never changed other then the one white branch. It fell into nor of my frog spawns but it has fully recovered now.