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Old 03-26-2011, 03:33 AM
bob the nano bob the nano is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Pembroke, ON
Posts: 19
bob the nano is on a distinguished road

week 1 update:

Not to much has changed yet but I did change up some of the filter media. I removed the bag of chemi pure elite that was in the sump and swapped it for 150ml of seachem matrix carbon. I was advised that the chemi pure elite and it's gfo content wasn't necessary when running prodibio because the bacteria in biodigest will take care of the phosphate in the tank. At present the tank parameters are as follows.

ALK 10dkh
411 cal
1290 mag
nitrate 8ppm
phosphate still undetectable.

the Corals haven't changed to much yet but my orange monti cap has started to really color up from a pale orange to a deeper richer orange.
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