AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! So my Butterfly just died last week of something that I thought was ich. Tonight I look in my tank and my mandarin is hanging out in the open (which he never does), sitting on the bottom breathing hard. The top if his head is white and splotchy (can't tell if it's been rubbed or if it's somthing else). His fins are a bit tattered looking. The worst part is, he looked fat happy and normal this morning!
I've attached a picture of him, hopefully you can see something I don't. I'm not even sure what this is, so I'm not sure how to even treat it. Should I get the hospital warmed up and running again and try to get him in there (though I think it will stress him out too much).
And now I don't see my blenny. He was out earlier but he's not hanging out in his usual location that has been his home for a year and a half! (He was hanging out near the back of the tank earlier, which he never does).
What is going on here?