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Old 03-25-2011, 08:54 PM
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Originally Posted by howdy20012002 View Post
all synde remarks aside, I truly do admire and commend people who go to the pound and adopt a dog.
Personally, I have done so in the past and it didn't work out so well.
therefore, I bought a puppy from a breeder, who is not a ckc breeder, because I wanted to know the dogs background...not adopt another dog with issues.
I can assure you that I take as much care of my dogs, am concerned about the genetics and health issues of the breed and would NEVER do anything that would jeopardize my dogs health just as much as any CKC breeder.
My dogs are my kids, I just happen to breed them...and of course, like everyone that breeds dogs, the ultimate goal is money..even the CKC breeders..if not they would be giving their dogs away.
not all "back yard breeders" are bad.
just having a piece of paper from the CKC doesn't make you an expert or a better breeder.
anyways, I don't see this discussion going anywhere but in a circle, lets agree to disagree.

I'll agree to disagree as always but I'll add my definition of a "good" breeder.

First you shouldn't breed for the money period, you breed for the breed and the pure enjoyment you get out of it. Any real reputable breeder with tell you they don't turn a profit and if they do it has nothing to do with their motivation. There are a lot of expenses and time involved in doing things properly.

Also a good breeder should:
Provide documentation including genetic screens of the parents (not just a vet check)
Strict criteria for potential buyers
Offer health guarantees
Will take the dog back from the owner, no questions asked, if for any reason the owner decides they can no longer care for the dog.
Will not sell the dog before it's time
Offer extra care and pre-training so the dog is less likely to have behavioral issues
Always offers support
Shows and competes his own dogs

The list goes on but that's basically what I looked for and was able to find.
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