as a "backyard breeder" I thought I would just throw my two cents in.
As far as I am concerned, the more we allow the government to step and regulate all aspects of our lives, the more we are going to regret that in the future.
I personally believe that people should have the right to buy what they want to buy.
I said this last time this topic was brought up, when I was selling my non registered boston puppies and caused a sh*t storm when I dared announce it here.
I have a hard time taking advice on the advocation of pet rights from people who have saltwater fish tanks... If asked, I don't think that the critters and fish would opt to live in our tanks vice the wide open ocean.
We all have these fish for our entertainment, not theirs and in the process we rip apart the ocean and kill untold creatures in the process of getting the stuff to our tanks.
what about the rights of the dead fish, shrimp, corals, snails, etc....
what about the rights of the ones that were once swimming in a vast expanse of water and are now swimming in our 4 feet of ocean.
in my opinion, if you stand on a soapbox, you should be darn sure that the people around you cant kick it out from underneath you.
BTW, I love adding fuel to the fire because I always find these types of conversations enlightening as to how two sides of the argument can both be right (at least in their minds).
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP