Originally Posted by Youngster Dan
That sucks, good luck with the treatment. This hobby can sure turn stressful sometimes eh?
Ya... lost the butterfly and coral beauty overnight in the hospital tank

Trigger is going to go soon as well... I am using coppersafe with the correct dosage and reading on the test kit. I just don't get it... I made sure I did a proper 5 minute fw dip (temp +ph + aeration) and put them in clean tank with pvc pipes, heater at 78-80, aquaclear filter and two powerheads. Only thing is I dont have much surface agitation because I thought the aquaclear took care of that? I also used a dechlorinator when preparing the saltwater a few days ago... Stress is an understatement, they have taken over my life the past 2 weeks...
Can ich still look like this in its worst stage?