Originally Posted by Hawkaholic
There aren't any ingredients listed on the product...why would there be a shelf life or if it should be refrigerated. Just thought I would throw this in here cuz this thread is starting to get retarded but funny at the same time. 
I myself use Acan Plus and I love it and will continue to use it with or without an ingredients list. Its funny how one person is just a bit curious about the ingredients should be listed and someone else gets bent out of shape cuz he/she is getting more attention(tissue anyone??)
Personally I would pay $45 to $50 for Acan Plus if it gets my corals looking good. If I have a $100-$150-$200 coral I need to feed...who gives a rats ass how much it costs. Anyone who has a reef tank but bitches about cost should REALLY find another hobby.
James or Jason...you did a great thing with this product (hats off) but sorry to say you should have known something like this was going to happen.
And lastly...with bullshit like this thread...it really takes the fun out of this hobby...grow up people.*
*My apologies to the mods and canreef for this post
Could not have said it better myself. If you want to try it then try it, if you like the what it does for your coral - buy it again.
Originally Posted by lastlight
Jason I made you a label.

+1 awesome, I would have put the word ' goodness' in place of win but it is still awesome.