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Old 03-24-2011, 08:54 PM
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saltcreep saltcreep is offline
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
Ideally this is obviously better but not the case. Ideally I should be able to drive my car 10X as fast as a fully loaded semi on the highway but perfection doesn't exist in this world. Nothing will favor every individual 100% and trying to do so results in too much grey zone making it virtually useless.
Nice straw man argument.

Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
I guess making things black and white is easier to manage and enforce producing better results. I've gotten use to this and tend to look for the greater good, don't always agree with the approach but if the results are sound I'm usually OK with it.
But what will the results be of this ban?

Again, based on history with various municipalities around, what happens when marine ornamentals are targetted? What if they are just "collateral damage"? If it's for the greater good, you're okay with that? Legislation like this makes it easier for marine ornamentals to legislated.
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