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Old 03-24-2011, 07:33 PM
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EmilyB EmilyB is offline
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Location: Scenic Acres NW Calgary
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You would probably be surprised at how quickly people can become educated. Our problems up here are nothing compared to the US.

But thanks to dog forums, facebook, etc. the word is getting out. These BYB's simply contribute to pet overpopulation, and the animals pay in the end by dying in shelters. Some people are idiots, granted, and you can't fix stupid. But you can strive to show the average JoeQ why it is a bad decision.

A pet store just makes it easy to impulse buy. And return it after Christmas. Hopefully, not just dump it somewhere. I wonder what the pet stores do with those? Not only that, the simple act of the pet store buying puppies from these BYB's and/or mills, is just keeping them in business.

It's hard to turn away from a cute puppy, but remember, there will just be another created to take it's place if you succumb.
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