Oh totally. See my brother did nothing with the dog. walked it now and than, filled up the food and water dish and that was about it. My dad and I ended up spending over 30 hours replacing base boards that were destroyed due to dog **** and ripping up the carpet because the stains wouldn't come out. I mean text book example of a horrible owner. My previous description was a quick summery of the dog, and once they are older training becomes really hard. My dog on the other hand I trained him myself. Doesn't **** in the house unless he is left alone for WAY to long, doesn't rip anything up (used to love designer shoes), rarely barks, extremely friendly, but he has some selective hearing. Never got to train him for off leash.
But as everyone else has said and myself, your true problem is not in the store, but in the owner of the animal. If private sales were halted think of the influx into the SPCA and how much euthanasia would increase