Originally Posted by lorenz0
Yes I read the whole petition and agree with it
BUT most people just don't give a **** and its sad. Honestly I can't even watch "I am Legend" cause he has to kill his dog. But back to reality of people not caring... To get this bylaw passed you have to hope that on city council you have a majority of animal lovers. Sure people like dogs but most just don't care where they came from as long at they are cute. Look at SMS (small dog syndrome) like you mentioned the young life of a dog is extremely important, now how many little dogs do you see that are properly trained and don't bark at leafs blowing in the wind every 5 min. Those dogs weren't properly trained and now they believe they own the world, my brother bought a yorkie from a rep breeder and never trained him. Even after years he still has a bunch of issues with not listening and doing as he pleases. Which than points at irresponsible owners and people who bought a dog cause they are cute. And there are alot of them out there. Now your looking at supply and demand. There is a huge supply for dogs and the more that are being sold (IMO) the more euthanasia will be present because no little girl wants a full grown dog. This brings us back to this petition, great idea but it seems like the only laws that get passed have to oppose keeping animals that could kill you. (BC and the reptile/ exotic pet thing that went on a few years back)
Plus I want to buy a boston terrier in 2 years once I have settled down a bit. Almost picked one up 7 years ago but decided against it.
Hey Lorenzo, just remember training a dog is more than that, it is really the training of the owner... I was a dog owner, and grew up with dogs... Dogs that don't behave, you are correct they weren't trained. But is more than that, the owner isn't trained. It is all about Alpha, who is the boss, the training is training both the owner and dog, and the owner has to take the alpha role, if the dog thinks its alpha (THE BOSS), then you can be in trouble.
I believe all dog owners, should go through a training program with their pet. Look at the number of pet owners that don't, training of the owner and dog can solve alot of behavior issues. Not all but alot. Some pets may be just plain CRAZY!!!
I agree with you 100%, alot of people buy any pet because of cuteness. Without any research... Any pet does require some thought and research, as many have stated prior, some dogs are put into shelters because the owners did not do this. That isn't fair to the animal!
Just my 2 cents.