Originally Posted by louisxyz
Hi ReefPilot,
Did you try using your medical capsule strategy in the main tank? If yes, what was the result.
Yes, I did actually, but the big bird wrasse soon discovered it, too, and scared away the Copperband. So, I have to keep using the turkey baster.
At least the Copperband is now trained to come to it. The problem is the Bird Wrasse (about 7 inches long, beautiful fish) also knows there is food there, and I need to keep trying to keep him away when I feed the Copperband,... not easy. I have even given the Bird Wrasse a few taps, with the turkey baster, when he gets close, but that doesn't seem to deter him much either.
So not sure where this will go. I am going to be setting up another tank, for frags. Maybe I will try catch the bird wrasse, and stick him in there for a while. He is now a bigger problem than the Yellow Tang.