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Old 03-24-2011, 06:32 AM
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lorenz0 lorenz0 is offline
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saltcreep is kind of getting the idea of how it can effect an other pet trade

It's a great idea but even reputable breeders are questionable. Our family dog (lives with my parents) is probably the last remaining from his batch. We knew 2 other people that bought from the same batch of puppies and neither of them lived to see past their 5th birthday due to long term inbreeding. Our dog is full of problems but still remains healthy and recently has developed a hip issue.

Also petland tries to home dogs as well. They have a program that brings in unwanted dogs and gets them up to date with shots and vet bills. In return all they charge is the cost of the vet bills (usually around $300). Since alot of people purchase dogs from here it has proven to be very successful and most dogs leave the store in a week or 2.

Personally some of the best dogs I have encountered came from the spca and were reserve dogs. Also I hate seeing people selling 3 year old dogs on kijiji, its sad that the owner can't commit to what they started
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