Thread: New 300
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Old 03-23-2011, 02:56 AM
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Originally Posted by es355lucille View Post
That is a very cool overflow encasement. Did it turn out to be very heavy? I never got around to it, but I will go and read your thread on building this monument. I see you have made places to stick some corals on it as well....thats really nice!!
It weighs about 60 lbs, not too bad, worked out pretty good. Lots of builds and info on RC on how to do it. I was going to epoxy and sand it, but I think it will be fine without it. Plus Im having a hard time finding an epoxy that is safe to use, I have called and emailed several companies trying to find a submersible, food grade epoxy with little success. I think in the long run after I have a few corals on it and the coraline algae gets to it, you'll never know the difference anyway.
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