Thread: !!!SPECIALS!!!
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Old 03-21-2011, 05:06 AM
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az @aquavalley az @aquavalley is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Canada East
Posts: 260
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Default !!!SPECIALS!!!

this is a good one;

all clams $40(any grade any size, limit 2 ultra/customer)

all corals $39(scolymia, Yuma, XL Acan, chalice, XL euphyllia EXTRA)
all mushroom rocks and leather corals $30 (rhodactis extra)
all dry / frozen goods NO TAX

ALL Liverock $4.99/lb
Tonga Dry Branch Rock $4.89/lb (new pcs just in)

all fish today 20% off

new frags just in, tri color acros, zoo, pink and green stylos, aussie acans, aussie scolys and more.

Rose BTA $55

Mini Carpets $29

Aqua Valley
1158 Ogilvie road, Ottawa
613 741 0665
Fall/Winter Store Hours;
Tue-Friday 12-7
Sat-Sun 11-5

accepting all major credit cards; Visa, MC, AMEX
also paypal, Email money transfer