For sale:
Custom made aquarium, stand and sump combination.
Tank: 48 long by 24 wide by 22 high with polished top edge.
Black silicon.
Back wall coated with black sheeting
External overflow 2 X 1 ½ drains
2 - 1 returns in back wall
Includes all plumbing
Sump: 42 long by 16 high by 24 wide (3 compartments)
Tubular metal stand
Stands top dimensions: 60 long by 20 wide
Stands bottom dimensions: 48 long by 30 wide. The stand is 43 high.
*The pumps, skimmer, reactor, lights and livestock/rock are not for sale. $1000 obo.

Also for sale 30 gallon aquarium and stand includes:
-Lightly used 30 gallon aquarium with black silicone.
-Black hood with light.
-Black stand with shelves and center cupboard.
-Aqua Clear filter.
-Black aquarium gravel and plastic plants
$80 obo.