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Old 03-20-2011, 06:01 PM
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Northernseacorals Northernseacorals is offline
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Originally Posted by prodogg02 View Post
I wasnt bashing aq i get alot of stuff from there just seems like the fish i get there latly arnt very healthy.i just retested my amonia with an api kit and a io one and they both show 0 ill try to post a pic of the fish .my pj cardnals which came from aq a few years ago ore fine,my marron clown has some white marks on him and my mandrin is fine aswell as all my inverts and coral .i seen the bicolor poo out some big long white thing i thought was a worm but idk.i have had a sw fish for bout 7 years now move my tank 6 times in 5 years once from calgary to edmonton in.-40 weathr and never had anything like this hapen untill i added the clown tang it lookd healthy i not bashing or sayn its anyones falt ecept natures .just want to know what it had so i can get rid of it. also would a uvsterilizer help
Don't you ever be sorry for expressing your personal opinion, if the administration here does not like members voicing their opinions; then they are in the wrong business of providing a forum.

Seems this site is all to much like a buddy buddy club when it comes to sponsors flipping a monthly bill for advertising and the power of the moderation staff to stifle members when trying to have conversation that pertains to sponsors.
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