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Old 03-20-2011, 04:35 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB
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reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by ScubaSteve View Post
Ya man, he doesn't seem to like his home here. I had decided about a week ago that I was actually going to get him back to good health then pass him on to someone with a bigger tank like he was in before. Maybe he'll feel more comfortable. I've got a hospital tank all set up and ready to go. I'll try to catch him tomorrow and get him going in there. Hopefully it'll help relieve some of the stress as well as get rid of the ich. Once he's back to chipper I'll bring the salinity back up and find a new home for him. I don't think there is anyone wanting to take him right now in his current state.

i think its a smart move, i know we all get attached to our fish and when they are suffering we are suffering as well , deep down we know whats best even if it means finding a new home for our friends. alot of problems arise for those who cant make that decision and its a part of this hobby...taking the bad with the good and making decisions that we would rather not have to make.

good luck buddy
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