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Old 03-20-2011, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Cranky When Wet View Post
Hiya Janey!

Greetings from the great white north country LOL! I'm about to blow the lid off a lot of carpet cleaning secrets....

Cat pee is a royal pain and once it's dried and crystalized it's murder to get out. However, as long as it's not deep down into concrete, you have a biological weapon!

Take a read at this link under specialty chemicals. It is possible to completely remove the odour with enzymes that eat urine/crystals! The process takes several days depending on humidity and temperature (cannot be very cold so enzymes live). Look for "Odour Out"

My old cat had done several numbers on my basement carpet when he became ill. I researched everywhere until I stumbled across this trade secret. Most "store" products are a very diluted version of this stuff and I've yet to come across anything that COMPLETELY removes the horror. A gallon runs around $75Canuk; but, it's the best money I've ever spent. The odour was gone and never came back!

A word of caution: ask them whether the silicone in your tank will still be viable after treatment. I cannot say whether other parts of this formula may leech out; but, they are in the chemical business and I'm guessing it's worth contacting them. Perhaps they have affiliates Stateside that would save big bucks on shipping a quart or gallon of product...

And to all cat, and dog, lovers out there.... it really freaking works!

Fuzzily yours,

um, thats great for carpets and all but I think leaving the pee in it is better than treating it with chemicals, esp if she wants to put fish in the tank afterwards.
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