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Old 03-20-2011, 03:30 PM
prodogg02 prodogg02 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: edmonton alberta
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prodogg02 is on a distinguished road
Default omg everything dead in few days

I recently got a clown tang and then twodays later it dies i took the dead thing all my othtrr fish are dieing. Got up this morning my 8 inch majestic angle i have for 6 years is layn on bottom as well as my bicolor and the lemon peal is dead missing one pj cardnal the other two are fine all the fishwithyellow inthem seen tobe turning white all over with cloudy eyes and redish blotchs onthere side noticed it bout weekago my cleaner wrass is mia ass well as my cleand shrimp.idk what happen but leason learnd i guess never get fish from ag. I dont kbow what the clown tang gave them or how long i should wait to add new ones .ijust moved everything from my 75 to a 125 long and 2 weeks later it all dies wtf
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