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Old 03-20-2011, 03:50 AM
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silentcivilian silentcivilian is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Stony Rapids, Saskatchewan
Posts: 249
silentcivilian is on a distinguished road

Sooo.. the last couple weeks have just been a watch and let grow thing.. and then it happened.. I went out with Lorenz0 to do a drop in of a few stores and see whats kickin around town... and there is new stuff in my tank.. HOW DOES IT HAPPEN??

haha.. ok, so pics:

I love my Ricos, and I dont see alot of Blue//Purple Ricos around.. so I had too..

Some of you may be familiar with this little man.. often called the superman Rhodactis... so nice.. have 3 heads in different places around the tank.. hoping to find a bowl shaped peice of live rock to put them in so they kinda stay together

Cup coral.. ive been looking for a peice of this for a long time.. and with my flower pot starting to suffer.. Took a gamble to see if my tank could sustain it as ive had great sucess with my carnations but not so much with flowerpot, I have a killer place to put it and hopefully have it spread like crazy!

Lastly, a new clam from red coral from the $40 section.. as I had a really bad clam experiance in which my tank is now recovered from and wanted smaller and hopefully a happier clam.. its lived past 24hours so fingers crossed it stay happy and mantle out as it is now.

Future plans:

Have a sump under stand now, have the eshopps hob overflow, and a Rio return pump for about 700gph at 4ft height.. want to setup a electrical cabinet to hide electrical since sump, water change tank and ATO will take up that space under stand.

Parts still needed: Plumping parts (going to run flex intake, hardline exhaust), new skimmer(currently HOB), cabinet for electrical (Ikea should have somthing), ATO unit with pump... thats all I believe..

Stuff ill have to part with, both Aquaclear 110's, PSK100H Skimmer by eshopps which sadly I love and its been soo good on the tank.

But the plan is in motion.. ill have pics when up and done
In today's world of nearly instant everything and what is exceptional today is only par tomorrow. My Reef is the only place where I must wait, and do so with glee.
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