Ok, my 2 cents.
I've tried Acan Plus when I heard about some great things happening to others' acans/ LPS. As my tiny frags were not doing much but barely existing, I thought that I had nothing to lose. I bought and tried the stuff.
And all I can say is that, I have tried Reef Chili, but when I fed my acans, blastomussas, a tiny 3/4" frag of plate coral, and my other LPSs with Acan Plus, they all responded like nothing that I have seen before.
All my frags of barely living acans are now showing lots of fleshy polyps, my plate has grown to 1-1/2" and others are showing great colors and feeding responses, no matter what time of the day I fed them. And this is since after Christmas.
I didn't feed as often as Patrick did, either, just whenever I had the time and remembered to.
I don't really know what's in the bottle, just that it worked well for me. I have used lots of stuff in this hobby that I have had no idea what's in the bottle. Maybe that's wrong, but I think that everyone should have their own opinion as to how they'd like to manage their hobby.
And I also think that if everyone were to really read through what they have written down before they post for the world to see, we all could be saved from bad spelling and harsh-sounding comments.

It is my own decision to try something new, and this time, especially, I am very pleasantly surprised by the results. Great product, James. I will definitely continue to buy and use it.