Thread: Acan Plus
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Old 03-19-2011, 08:31 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by JMes View Post
In fact I do not make any money off selling this
food. Whatever I make goes back into buying the ingredients. I don't get
paid for the labour, time and effort that goes into the production of the
This is called boot-strapped organic growth. At some point you'll hit an economy of scale where you're making enough product that you actually start to earn some cash. I'd like to see you do this because then it will be a worthwhile venture for you to keep making freakin' awesome products for people. If you're not making any money and life all of a sudden gets busy, where is the incentive?

Originally Posted by JMes View Post
There are over 10 different ingredients in
Acan Plus (soon will be 13 as I am working on a new formula).
It took me a long time to find out what the corals prefer to eat, which
ingredient entices them or stimulates their growth.
This is continual innovation of a competitive advantage. Keep it up, keep the big guys guessing, make us some wicked products.
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