Thread: Aptasia
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Old 03-18-2011, 01:05 AM
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Cranky When Wet Cranky When Wet is offline
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Exclamation All about Aiptasia by Bob Fenner

OK everyone, I'm too chicken to add any "chemicals" or biocides/solutions to my Nanos because it's soh easy to wipe out whole, tiny bio systems....

I've had 100% aipatasia kills with the use of the right kind of Peppermint shrimp
(Lysmata wurdemanni). Peppermint shrimp of this type can be found at Big Al's (hint: I ask Ryan to test them before purchase) and they slaughter these anemones like maniacs.... However, once they get too large (aiptasia) it's a bit much for the shrimp.

I'd like to share this link with all the new salters onboard because it's the best resource tool I've ever found with participants/writers/authors like Anthony Calfo and Bob Fenner!

It's got everything you ever want to know of a saltwater nature!!!! READ, and read some more....
Aiptasia, My Least Favorite Anemones in Captive Systems
/The Conscientious Reef Aquarist Bob Fenner


I know this article will answer many, many questions about methods of destroying these little creeps.

Best regards, Bunny
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