Originally Posted by TheNewGuy
correct me if im wrong, but isnt it supposed to be measured out by weight, not quantity? the instructions on my pail of H2Ocean say 1kg/24.2L. thats 156.2g/agal of water, or 0.344 lbs/gal of water. This has always mixed up to be a little low, about 1.023, I target 1.026.
and koresample, 1 us gallon is 3.78L
Correct, that's why I said 1lb to 11 litres (10.962 to be exact) and it mixed to 1.030
Fluval Osaka 41g sumpless tank, 250w MH + 130W PC , DIY HOB refugium, Tunze 9002, Koralia 2, Koralia Nano
Toad Stool
Colt Coral
Purple Shrooms
Red Shrooms
Candy Cane Coral
Hammer Coral
Moon Coral
Copper Banded Shrimp..and growing