Thread: SCUBA!!
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Old 03-16-2011, 10:59 PM
shootingstar shootingstar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Thunder Bay ON
Posts: 110
shootingstar is on a distinguished road

Most dive shops that run classes also book trips so you can do your open waters right at the beginning of your trip (with the folks that taught you and you already trust)then your good to go. You also have the benefit of a full and proper training/education.

without a doubt the best spot we have dove is Roatan, check out Fantasy Island Resort, an amazing bargain compared to many more touristy destinations. Fantasy Island though is ALL about the diving, there is an amazing dive shop on site with the best maintained equipment I have seen in the tropics, fully trained amazing guides, their own fleet of boats, medical staff and a chamber on site....seriously.

But I mean it when I say it's all about the diving, there isn't much to do for tours and other tourist stuff on the island..... 3 boat dives and unlimited shore (gazebo that you jump into about 30' from) per day in your package.....every person there is there for the diving.....not extensive night life as it's "all about the diving"...hehe
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