For a good place to go and get certified I'd recommend Koh Tao, Thailand (provided a storm isn't muckin' up the water). The nice thing about being in that area is that it is a) cheap and b) there's a lot of islands you can go to. In about a day, you can travel from Koh Tao to the penninsula and over to the Adaman Sea, which is killer diving. I spent over a month diving there on my last trip, so I can give you some tips on good areas.
I've never been but I have a friend who swears Indo has the best diving in the world. You can PM him (BlazingArrow) for some tips.
The place I really like in the Caribbean is Monserrat. It is the perfect place for a honeymoon (I'd call it Honeymoon Island if I could) and has some killer diving. It's a nice place because it's off the beaten path with few tourists.