I would not use copper meds unless necessary, either-- but it seemed you'd tried other routes that didn't work. If you are moving in a month-- well-- perhaps the butterfly will make it, perhaps he won't. Do you want to try the Paraguard Reefwars suggested?
According to the Seachem site, "Paraguard is very effective when used as a dip, though it is very important to watch for signs of stress in fish while using it in a dip solution. We do not recommend using Paraguard in a tank with invertebrates."
... So you could conceivably catch the butterfly and dip it in water dosed with Paraguard...?
125 gallon reef, vertex 200 lights, 40 gallon sump/refugium, 2 Deltec skimmers, Mag 12 return pump, Koralia 4 Wavemaker.
(125 gallon freshwater discus planted tank. 40 gallon discus spawning tank, 35 gallon discus spawning tank)