Originally Posted by phi delt reefer
Since electrical costs are going to continue to climb what about doing something like this. Get a hot tub and have a plumber plumb it inline with a natural gas tankless heater (about $800 for a decent one). Get a good pump to keep the pump recirculating the water through the hot tub then back into the tankless heater. Natural gas is cheaper than electricity. Its just a concept in my head - i am sure someone can point out the flaws and crush my personal hot tub owner ship dreams, lol.
My brothers house had just that.
From what he was told by the previous owner was that the system worked great, but killed the heater after a few years.
The clorine, bromine or salt corroded the units out.
I have a used 1998 Beachcomber hot tub. It was a spray foam filled unit.
It developed several leaks over the years prior to us getting it.
I was quoted $1000 to re spray foam the bottom.
I replumbed alot of the fittings and lines as the glued joints were desintagrating with age.
What a lot of the Spa forums are saying is to use roxul insulation as it retains it's R value even when wet. So this is how i reinsulated it.
That being said, my electrical bill this winter (our first one with the tub) was alot higher than we we were expecting.
Approximatly $50-$75 a month more than last year.
If you buy used I would expect to have to toss at least a grand into it unless its only a few years old.
IE a 2 speed 3.0 hp pump with motor $500, a pump wet end $150, control module ($500), A cover $400+...
Next year, I'm getting a 5" cover to try to keep that heat in.
Does anyone here use the floating blankets inside there spa?