Originally Posted by Judy Waytiuk
sadly, my powder blue succumbed... your butterfly may also. I have come to the conclusion that the experts are right: there is no magic bullet for marine ich other than removing all the fish from the display tank, leaving it fishless for at least two months (or more), and treating all the fish in a QT tank during that time with copper meds.
i just hope i do not see a single speck of ich on any of the other fish! so far, the powder blue was the onyl fish in the tank to show ANY sign!
thats not completely true first of all if you would have practised safe buyng you wouldnt be in this boat by that i mean observing the fish before buying for disease and watching it easily take food if that passes then observe some more. fish should be added in certain orders to eleiminate stress of new homes and bullys..... some fish make the transition easily while some do not....some need the food a mature system provides while some not so much....powder blues are ich magnets and most will say stay away untill you belive you can keep one healthy or the system is large enough for it to feel "safe". with this fish i would start with hyposalinity given their track record.......but as youve already added it to your system your only answer now is a fallow system and to put the remaining fish in hyposalinity....8 weeks to be safe.......safe buying is a great start, never impulse buy,never rescue,never let a fish with a bad rap hit your tank untill your well read up on it.
didnt mean to come off harsh but copper imo is a very last effort as it kills sometimes as easy and as fast as ich can there are other meds that are effective besides copper....some even reef safe
