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Old 03-14-2011, 01:27 AM
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silentcivilian silentcivilian is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Stony Rapids, Saskatchewan
Posts: 249
silentcivilian is on a distinguished road
Default Frag growth

Got a few new photos of growth.. most of these frags being bought with less than 10 heads.

My Pink zoos here actually started as one head

Same here.. these colorful buggers were 1 head

Started with about 10 or 15 heads..

Had about 20 or so to start.. now I have about 200 heads.. they grow soo fast..

10 - 15 heads.. started..

Zoa slope..
In today's world of nearly instant everything and what is exceptional today is only par tomorrow. My Reef is the only place where I must wait, and do so with glee.
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