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Old 03-13-2011, 11:53 PM
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Judy Waytiuk Judy Waytiuk is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Winnipeg
Posts: 32
Judy Waytiuk is on a distinguished road

sadly, my powder blue succumbed... your butterfly may also. I have come to the conclusion that the experts are right: there is no magic bullet for marine ich other than removing all the fish from the display tank, leaving it fishless for at least two months (or more), and treating all the fish in a QT tank during that time with copper meds.
i just hope i do not see a single speck of ich on any of the other fish! so far, the powder blue was the onyl fish in the tank to show ANY sign!
125 gallon reef, vertex 200 lights, 40 gallon sump/refugium, 2 Deltec skimmers, Mag 12 return pump, Koralia 4 Wavemaker.
(125 gallon freshwater discus planted tank. 40 gallon discus spawning tank, 35 gallon discus spawning tank)
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