Sigh... I don't get this fish man. I love this guy, he has great personality and he's a total blast to hang out with. He even "plays" with me! Definitely one of the best fish I've had. Except...
His ich just keep getting worse (or at least no better). The ich goes away, comes back, goes away, comes back... Today it's back with a vengence.
He seems to be settling in a little better (at least when I'm around) when the ich is gone. He swims around, poke at the rocks and eats like a pig. When it's back he's pretty restless and twitchy. If I sneak into the room so he doesn't see me (when he's battling ich) I can see him swimming up and down the glass. I take this as a sign of stress. So, I can't figure out if he's stressed because of the ich, or if he's battling ich because he's stressed because he doesn't like his tank...?
There's no one around to bother him (just a goby, mandarin and blenny, all of whom are peaceful... and a couple cleaner shrimp). Any ideas on this guy? Just an ich magnet or something else?