Another Update!!
Yesterday I got a Quiet One 4000 in next to new condition. I guess it was too big for the previous tank. Thanks again Randy!!
Today I spent my lunch hour running around like a chicken with my head cut off looking for plumbing supplies. I think I got all the fittings I need, all thats let is the loc-line so an order from J&L will happen here pretty quick.
I also was able to get my glass cut for my euro brace and blocks for the stand to sit on. Big thanks to Scott for grabbing that for me on his way home.
So here is everything when I got home.
Glass for the Euro Brace
Well apparently I got the glass for the sides too big so I put the glass master to work trimming off a 1/4 inch.
After a trip to TFI for a tube of silicone and a silicone gun, here I am putting down the silicone.
This is what happens when you let the glass Master help you put on the euro brace.
Ofcourse the silicone was on the tank already so he sped off to TFI to get another brace cut and get the blocks for the stand cut.
Add 2 beads of silicone
Press onto Euro brace and you have a block that will keep my canopy frame off the bracing and water so it wont get wet.
The almost finished product. I am going to trim the excess silicone tomorrow evening.
I havent tried the plumbing yet but the night is young