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Old 03-09-2011, 02:22 AM
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Well that's your perception. I have not said anything like this and if you want to think that way than it's your own decision. You can understand what ever you want but you can't say that I have said something that I have NOT say or meat. YOu seem to have no clue what I am saying or meaning.

I don't even know where you took the part of "less intelligent than you" thing...pretty wierd. I just tought that some advise given here about not doing a quarantine was a bad advise and I still thing it is a bad advise and will always thing it is a bad advise because it is a bad advise. just period here and end of story.

What if the person listen to this advise and get marine velvet and lose all the fish? yeah right. there might be more than one way to do things in this hobby but recommanding not to do quarantine is not the right way to do it.

Heck, have you even read the threads I posted here? you don't have to go very far in this forum to see it's not a good way to do it.

Originally Posted by ensquire View Post
I just find it annoying that anyone who disagrees with your practices or opinion is treated like a fish abuser or being less intelligent than you. As already stated on this thread " If there was one way of doing things in this hobby.........."
Your posts are so confrontational when your opinion is not taken as fishkeeping gospel.
And now I am over it. tout fini
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