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Old 03-08-2011, 01:27 AM
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The Grizz The Grizz is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: 15 min NE of Red Deer
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The Grizz will become famous soon enough

If it's happy where it is and not trying to go down the OF or trying to travel all over the tank I would just leave it where it has landed.

Originally Posted by dunl View Post
Well, this magnificent guy is now having room and board supplied by myself here (sorry for the poor pic):

And, as I have been told, he is a true sun worshiper. Took him only three hours, but as soon as the metal halide went on, he started heading that way....and he has been hanging out right underneath it, basking in the glow, fully extended foot, and even extending his tentacles away from the overflow into the current. Lovely colour, and had a nice shrimp meal last night courtesy of his man-servant.

So my question is....if others have had him and the only place he likes to hang out is up top near the there any reason for me to even bother to think of moving him?
Feed the bear goodies, make a new friend, don't feed the bear...............

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