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Old 03-06-2011, 08:38 PM
matthewpunger matthewpunger is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Edmonton, AB
Posts: 13
matthewpunger is on a distinguished road
Default Selling Nano tank Livestock and Hardware - Edmonton

Hi there,
I have a full nano setup for sale that's been running now 3 years. Its a 10G with an amazing Sunpod 70W MH light (modified with silent fan), with nano rio protein skimmer and 12 Lbs of coral covered rock - SPS, zoas, softies and a large hammer-torch coral. I would like to sell complete, but am willing to sell livestock off this week and hardware the following.

This is what is left:

Sybon Portable refractometer in hardshell case - 40$

test kits(master test kit + extras - practically unused), A/B kent marine reef supplements (barely used), and phytoplankton (most left stored in fridge), food (flake, pellet and frozen), 1/2 pail salt, water containers - 40$ for everything.
Aquarium with extra hood (with 2x10w PC 50/50 lights) and filter, electronics (timers) and stand - 60$ OBO.

Last edited by matthewpunger; 03-13-2011 at 05:42 AM. Reason: updated
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