Hello I'm a new member, (sounds like AA) i have a question to pose to the reefer community: Is Ultra Violet light beneficial to my tank? Here is my rational behind the question:
1) Silica Glass (most glass) does not transmit UV light (or very little), hence you cannot get a suntan indoors.
2) the amount of UV light at the equator, most coral reefs, is about 1000X higher than at the north pole (the south pole has a man made ozone layer hole)
3) My Maxspect G2 LED's produce a focused yet wide array of light wavelengths that include the UV -A,B,C as well as visible.
4) If i take my glass lid off the tank it will evaporate more and i risk losing fish to Tank Jump Suicide.
So fellow reefers what should i do? take the cover off and give full reign to my overpriced LED's or continue down this path of salt creep and a UVless tank?
PS Dont buy G2's they have no controller or dimmer, I thought in this day and age that would be standard, apparently not in China.