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Old 03-04-2011, 10:17 AM
Ryan Joel Smith Ryan Joel Smith is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 35
Ryan Joel Smith is on a distinguished road
Default 120G Everything for sale

Well once again i am selling my tank. Last time it was due to leaking, this time my floor is deflecting.

Oceanic 120G L5'W1.5'H2'

Large octopus skimmer $100 (olryder)
3xkoralia power heads (two brand new/one is fairly worn) $40ea (MarkoD)
25g sump $40
Heaters $40 for all three (Ramsov)
Tank and Black oak cabinet stand $800.00
Return pump $30.00
Half bucket of instant ocean $15.00 (fishoholic)
mini master test kit $25.00
misc pumps for water changes and salt mixing $10.00ea

Live stock:
40lbs of live rock $3.50/Lb (NO PESTS)
Large colony of pulsing xenia on small rock 1/4lb $20.00
Large colony of pulsing xenia on large rock 5-8Lb $35.00
3 sps pieces. Very bright attached to 5-8lbs of live rock each $30ea
Huge Snails $4.00ea
Hermit crabs $2.00ea
All the sand $20.00

#70 1804 70st.
Turn south onto 70st from ellerslie road.
Drive south untill you have driven through a small traffic circle.
Look to your right, there are rows of townhouses.
I am in the 5th row of house #70

if necessary 7809188165

Thanks for looking

Last edited by Ryan Joel Smith; 03-11-2011 at 07:01 PM.
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